KALADEX® PEN films possess performance between that of PET films and polyamide filmsThey have superior long term temperature aging perform ance (exceeds 155℃) continuous usetemperature. Compared to PET films,KALADEX® have higher glass transition temperature,lower shrinkage,better retention of mechanical properties, higher siffness,improved waterhydrolysis resistance, better UV exposure resistance and very low levels of extractableoilgomers.
These performance characteristics in combination with Du pont TeiJin's leading expertisein polymer science and film pretreatmeant technology provide the basic for a highlyattravtive product range.
KALADEX® PEN films are particularly suited to a wide range of applications in areassuch as electrical insulation whereKALADEX®suitable for Class Fand H applications,labels, flexible printed circuits, membrane tough swithes, graphics, applications andspeaker coil.
Types ofKALADEX® including 2000, 2003, 2030 and 1000 are suited for differentapplicatitions.
thickness range:0.025-0.125mm
For further information of other types, detail specifications and sample, pleasecontact our company |